Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hold On One Second! I Can't Hear Myself!

Our 'historic' president is a very good orator. And, I tend to agree with Chris Matthews - everytime this great, Messianic presence speaks, he gives me tingles down my legs...


  1. BAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That's freakin awesome. See, Bush wasn't the only bad public speaker. That was pretty funny.

  2. Did you catch it when he used the excuse, I haven't had much sleep. Good One!!!
    Glad that you are venting. I think the rest of us are afraid to speak our minds. I guess I shouldn't say us as for me there is so much to say and Jay you said it for me. Thanks

  3. Freako! he is a farse. I am not an obamamama, and no I don't pray to obama.

  4. I love seeing him squirm! That was awesome.....made me seriously nervous!

  5. Yeah I am with Jenn! Made me nervous super embarassing. Apparently he doesn't know what he's talking about!
