Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I Can No Longer Take It!

I realize this blog may offend some of you. However, I can't remain silent any longer. If I do, I may suddenly die from an implosion of high blood pressure. (And, my cube mates may not like the sight of such an ordeal).

The purpose of this blog is twofold. Primarly, this is a way for me to vent my frustrated, pent-up emotions regarding the current state of our great nation. Second, this may change a few of you innocent, misguided liberals who may be inadvertently contributing to the direction our nation is headed.

I'll keep this first post short. The tipping point for me today involves the "Hate Crimes" bill H.R 1913.

Our economy is in shambles. Our 'historic' president is taking us down a scary path towards all-out socialism. Islamic terrorists are plotting night and day to kill us. And, what do you think our congress wants to spend their precious time debating? Could it be how to best protect our nation? Nope. Could it be how to stop the flow of illegal immigrants (who carry the swine flu)? Nope, not today. The world is practically melting around us, and our congress wants to debate none other than how best to federally protect 30 different sexual orientations.

Good job congress. I'm glad we, or, rather, (since congress is controlled by left-leaning kooks who shouldn't be allowed to run a hot-dog stand), my fellow citizens who happen to be of a liberal persuasion, elected you. You're sure taking us down the right direction. Keep up the good work.


  1. Glad you started this. Just don't put your name or address on here because we will probably be egged soon by some of those kooks!

  2. Hahaha. This blog makes me happy. I'm excited for your further posts. I await them with much anticipation and intrigue. I agree with you as well. And did you catch that Obama is black? Weird right?

  3. This is awesome Jay...I agree with Mitch and look forward to additional blogs. Have you thought about sending the link to good ole Brother Reid?

  4. Ewww. Let Reid rot in hell. He's way past the point of any help.

  5. I would blog myself, but I have thus far avoided the peer pressure to:
    1) Start a blog
    2) Join Facebook
    3) Add texting to my phone plan; and
    4) Use performance-enhancing bedroom drugs
    I'm glad you're doing it, Jason. Maybe, if I can come up with a topic or two, I can guest blog some time. Long live freedom!

  6. But Rob, with Extenze, can you afford NOT to do it?

    And the reason i'm posting so much is because i'm sitting in the library trying to study the whore of all the earth(Accounting). Yes, you heard right Rob. Blah. I think you should get a blog as well. Or like you said, a Partnership Blog? I can totally see you and Jason staying up late talking on the phone, and having serious discussions as to whom will write the next article. I can see a few fights. I can also see many conversations where you both chuckle in agreement and nod your heads with unity and love. I see a bright future for you two.

  7. I also like that you are blogging. It actually is a good way for me to keep up on current affairs and what not.

    Obama is/was a big talker. He is in over his head and he probably has no idea what he is doing. Your topic ticks me off as well.

  8. Dude, explain to me what exactly this bill is. I don't quite get it. What does it mean that they want to protect these sexual orientations? I just don't understand the game plan for it.

  9. Ohhhh I see. That is beyond retarded. I can't believe that. Pedefiles(however you spell it) i can't believe is on there. Beastiality is understandable;) but pedefiles? Wowie woowahhh.

  10. What ????? Is that bill really serious. Oh my! This country is really messed up.
    J, great blog and glad that you are here.

  11. J. This is absolutely great! Like Jayne, I too will be coming here for my political updates. Nick tries to get me tuned into Rush but I never remember or make the time. I really like what you said, and hear much of the same frustrations daily living with Nick...he's beyond disgusted with everything. The more you know, the more tormented you become! Definitely keep the posts coming. SIGN O THE TIMES!

  12. I actually still can not believe Obama was elected... I think he is in way over his head. My frustration goes to the leaders of the democratic party, and of course the main stream media that could not do their jobs and vet him.
    Reid should be excommunicated for his vicious attacks on Bush and Cheney. I am somewhat confused as to why he is allowed to give fireside talks to our youth.
    Liberalism is a cancer and it is killing our once great country. Socialized medicine will be the point of no return.

    Change we can't believe in.
