Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hats Off to Miss California - "This should not happen in America."

I was very impressed by Carrie Prejean's address this week. She has been raked through the mud simply because she exercised her American right to speak freely. Her opinion did not match up with many on the left, and therefore she has been highly criticized for simply holding a belief.

And, here again, is another example of the utter hypocrisy of the left. As long as an opinion lines up with their agenda, they are the loudest proponents for free speech. But, as soon as someone has the guts to voice an opinion that may not be 'politically correct,' they are oh so quick to pounce, to criticize and to ruin.

This country needs more individuals like this woman - more who are brave enough to stand up for what they believe in and to stick by those beliefs even when they are not 'politically correct.'

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Please, Someone Wake Me! Am I Still in America?!!

Is this really America?! Did our House of Representatives really just pass the bill to protect pedophiles and all other forms of extreme perversity??! And, what's more - as if the bill in itself wasn't sick enough, did they really vote against including military veterans in the protection the bill offers, but included those who molest our children??!!

And, now it is going to the Senate for a vote. Obama has said he will sign it.

First off - aside from the fact that the bill is morally and ethically reprehensible, any hate crimes legislation is an absolute farce. If someone commits a crime against a heterosexual, homosexual, black, white, red, or any other human, they will be punished. It shouldn't matter what his motives or thoughts were. Besides, how can a judge know what the perpetrator's thoughts were?? This is rediculous...and plain disgusting! Another example of liberalism and efforts of the gay mafia run amuck.
Did our Founding Fathers have this in mind when they bled and died to create this great country of ours. They are, no doubt, turning in their graves.

Video of the despiscable representative from Florida:

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Rush for President in 2012!

A good description of conservatives...and how we differ from liberals.

Go Rush!